Rudolf Vrba and Alfred Wetzler, two Jewish prisoners in Auschwitz, escaped from the camp on April 7 and provided detailed reports on the murder practiced there. The two escapees spent two days hiding in a pile of logs outside the inner perimeter of the camp. Members of the Auschwitz resistance misled the Nazis’ search dogs by dipping pungent Russian tobacco in gasoline whose scent led the dogs in the wrong direction. Two weeks later, the escapees reached Slovakia and met with Adre Steiner, a representative of the Underground Working Group. On the basis of this meeting, Oscar Krasnansky wrote a 30-page report, the "Auschwitz Protocols." The protocols described in detail the murderous actions being committed at the camp, the number of Jews who had been murdered there, and preparations that were being made there for the murder of some 800,000 Hungarian Jews. On May 16, the gist of the report was forwarded to the West after several previous attempts had failed. After its contents were disseminated, the world understood clearly that Auschwitz was, in fact, an extermination camp.